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How to Uninstall Insightful

Learn how to Uninstall/Delete Insightful from your device

Tamara Filipovic Djordjevic avatar
Written by Tamara Filipovic Djordjevic
Updated over 9 months ago

If you need to uninstall Insightful application from your personal device - this can be achieved in a few very easy steps. For company devices the procedure is a bit more complex and requires our support team's assistance.

Personal computers


  1. Click on your Start button or go to your Control Panel,

  2. Search for Workpuls in the search bar or find it within Programs inside Control Panel,

  3. Right click on the application,

  4. Click on Uninstall.


  1. Go to your Applications folder,

  2. Search for Workpuls,

  3. Right Click on the application,

  4. Select Move to Trash.

Company computers

If you need to uninstall Insightful from a company device, whether you are using Windows or macOS, please contact our support team via in-app chat or send us an email to

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