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Import Time Off Schedule via CSV

Import Guidelines for Time off

Written by Katarina Dakic
Updated over a month ago

Time Off can be imported via CSV file. More about how to Import Time Off here.

To fill out the pre-formatted CSV template, first you need to download it. The required format and data for each column is displayed in the time off CSV template. All fields are mandatory.

An important note is to fill out the correct type of Time Off in its designated column.

You have multiple colons that you need to fill up:

  1. Employe Name

    Name and surname (capital letters) written like in the dashboard.

  2. Start Date Time

    • Date of start needs to be in the month–day format (mm/dd/yyyy) example: 08/19/2024

    • Time of start needs to be entered like in this example: 09:00:00.

  3. End Date Time

    The same like in the previous step.

  4. Employee Time Zone

    For the Time Zone column, refer to the IANA Time Zone Database, also known as the tz database, to find the appropriate time zone for any location. Enter the time zone in the "Region/City" format, such as "Europe/Belgrade." You can view the full list of supported time zones in the tz database here.

  5. Type

    Type can be:

    • partial (few hours)

    • full (whole day)

  6. Category

    Time Off types:

    • Public Holiday

    • Vacation

    • Sick Leave

    • Unauthorized Leave - An employee did not show up for their shift, and the time off was not approved.

    • Other - Any category that was not previously covered.

Here is an example of a CSV file for importing Time Off.

Understanding CSV Upload Limitations

If there are two or more employees with the same name, and a CSV file is uploaded with a separate row for each of them, like in this example:







Employee Three

09/25/2024 12:00:00

09/25/2024 12:30:00




Employee Three

09/25/2024 12:00:00

09/25/2024 12:30:00




the system will detect this conflict, it will not allow the upload and display an error notification. For example, if an employee named "John McGrady" appears more than once, an error message will appear stating, “There is a conflict for employee John McGrady inside the provided file.”

However, if there are two or more employees with the same name and the CSV file contains only a single row, like in this example:







Employee Three

09/25/2024 12:00:00

09/25/2024 12:30:00




the system assumes that the information is intended for each employee with the same name, resulting in the same Time Off being added to their schedules.

If the CSV file includes employees over whom the manager does not have either employee or team scope, the system will not display an error message to the user. Instead, Scheduled Shifts will be created only for employees within the manager's scope, ignoring those outside their permissions. This ensures that managers can only modify or assign entries to employees they are authorized to manage.

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