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MacOS Permissions Required for Insightful

Learn how to set up all the permissions needed for all Insightful functions to work correctly on macOS.

Petar Jelaca avatar
Written by Petar Jelaca
Updated over 2 months ago

To ensure all Insightful features function correctly on macOS, several system permissions must be granted. These are:

  1. Accessibility Permission

  2. Automation Permission

  3. Screenshots and Screen Recording Permission

These permissions allow Insightful to perform necessary tasks such as capturing screen recordings, taking screenshots, and capturing URLs.

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to enable these permissions. If you are also interested in learning how to manage macOS permissions remotely and in bulk (for numerous users at once) via configuration profiles - please review this link.

Accessibility Permission

Purpose: Allows Insightful (Workpuls) to interact with other applications.

Steps to Enable Accessibility Permission:

  1. Click the Apple logo in the top-left corner of your screen and select System Settings.

  2. Click Privacy & Security.

  3. Go to Accessibility permission

  4. Add Workpuls - in case Workpuls is not already listed

    1. Click on the plus sign

    2. Select Workpuls in the listed apps in the Applications section

  5. Confirm Changes:

    • Ensure that Workpuls is checked in the list of allowed apps. Close the window to save changes.


When Insightful (Workpuls) is running or when you first launch the application, you will be prompted to grant Accessibility permission if it has not been set already. If you deny this request, Insightful will not prompt it again.

Automation Permission

Purpose: This permission is essential for the full functionality of URL capturing.

Steps to Enable Automation Permission:

  1. Open System Preferences:

    • Click the Apple logo and select System Preferences.

  2. Go to Security & Privacy:

    • Click Security & Privacy.

  3. Select the Privacy Tab:

    • Click on the Privacy tab.

  4. Unlock Settings:

    • Click the lock icon and enter your password.

  5. Select Automation:

    • In the left sidebar, scroll down and select Automation.

  6. Allow Workpuls:

    • Check the box next to Workpuls to allow it to control other applications.


When Insightful (Workpuls) is running on a users device, and when the user opens a browser, they will be prompted to permit Automation if they have not already done so. If you deny this request, Insightful will not prompt it again.

Screenshots and Screen Recording Permissions

Purpose: Enables Insightful to capture your screen for screenshots and recordings.

Steps to Screen & System Audio Recording Permission:

  1. Click the Apple logo and select System Settings.

  2. Click Privacy & Security.

  3. Select Screen Recording:

    • In the left sidebar, select Screen Recording.

  4. Add Workpuls:

    • Check the box next to Workpuls to allow screen recording.

  5. Confirm Changes:

    • Close the window to save changes.

    • Make sure to quit Insightful and reopen it again for changes to be applied.


Users will be prompted to allow Screen Recording access when Insightful (Workpuls) attempts to capture a screenshot or start recording for the first time, in case the permission is not already allowed. If you deny this request, Insightful will not prompt it again.

Screen Recording Permission on macOS Sequoia or newer

With the release of macOS Sequoia (version 15+), users may encounter prompts to grant or renew screen recording permissions while using Insightful. These prompts arise due to Apple’s new security protocols, which limit the duration of screen recording permissions.

MacOS Sequoia requires screen recording permissions to be renewed every 30 days, even if you've previously granted permission. This change only affects screen recording permissions, and other permissions remain unaffected.

The sample dialogue below illustrates what you might expect to see:

How to Grant Permission

To continue using Insightful screen recording features, you will need to click Allow For One Month when the system prompts you. This allows screen recording for 30 days, after which re-authorization will be required.

What Happens if Permission is Not Granted?

If screen recording permission is not granted, Insightful (Workpuls) will be unable to capture screen activity. This will affect features such as:

  • Screen recordings

  • Screenshots

MacOS Permissions Visibility via API

Insightful provides detailed visibility into granted MacOS permissions via API at both user and organization levels.

By following the instructions outlined in this article, you can ensure that Insightful has the necessary permissions to operate effectively on macOS. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please reach out to our support team.

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