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Install Insightful on macOS via Jamf Pro

Learn how to install Insightful to multiple macOS devices simultaneously and remotely using Jamf Pro Mobile Device Management (MDM) tool

Written by Katarina Dakic
Updated over a month ago

This guide provides instructions on how to efficiently install Insightful on macOS devices of multiple users simultaneously using Jamf Pro. By leveraging Jamf's powerful device management capabilities, you can ensure a smooth and consistent rollout which allows your team to quickly start boosting productivity with the Insightful app.

1. Configuration Profiles

Configuration profiles are essential for managing and customizing the settings of your macOS devices.

Follow these steps to set up the configuration profiles for your Jamf Pro deployment.

  1. Open Jamf Pro and navigate to ComputersConfiguration profiles tab

2. Click Upload to upload the provided configuration profile from Insightful.

3. To enable the application to capture URL inputs from different browsers, click on the uploaded configuration profile.

If you do not wish to do this - you can skip to step 15 and proceed further.

4. Press Edit in the bottom right corner as shown in the image below.

5. In the Options tab, scroll down to find Privacy Preferences Policy Control tab.

6. In the Privacy Preferences Policy Control tab, click Add button.

7. Click on the Options menu marked below and scroll down to find the ListBox - AddressBook.

8. Click and select Apple Events.

9. Add the Bundle Identifier and Receiver Code Requirement for each browser you want the agent to track. To find this information, ensure the desired browser is installed on your PC, then open Terminal and insert the following command with the path to the browser:

codesign -dr - path/to/App

10. Here is the example for Google Chrome (Note: Copy ONLY the highlighted area of the output displayed on your own screen and not the image below, and paste it into the section in the way that's shown in the example in this screenshot):

11. Area of where to post the output of the command.

12. Do these steps for all the browser that you want agent to track

13. In the Options tab, scroll down to search for System Extensions and check Allow users to approve system extensions.

14. In the Team Identifier field, add the Insightful apps Team Identifier that you have received from the Support Team.

15. Go to the Scope section.

16. In the Target Computers menu, choose All computers or Specific computers, based on whether you want to deploy to everyone or some specific list of computers

17. In the Target Users menu choose All users or Specific users, based on whether you want to deploy to everyone or some specific list of users.

18. If you would like to add Specific users/computers, once the previous steps are done, choose Add button to add specific users/computers.

19. Click Save - bottom right corner.

2. Scripts

Application installation is executed by an installation script that will download and set up the necessary files on each computer that it is deployed to. To create a script, follow the steps below.

  1. Open Settings section.

2. Search for “Scripts

3. Click on +New

4. Click on the General tab. Name the script in the “Display Name” section.

5. Use General payload to configure basic settings for the policy, including the trigger and execution frequency (once per computer).

6. Click on the “Script” section.

7. Get the installation link from Insightful dashboard. The steps are in this article.

8. Paste it as shown below in the image.

9. Set the Mode to Shell/Bash.

10. Click Save in the bottom right corner.

11. The newly created script should be in the list on the main Scripts page.

3. Policies

Policies are used to deploy scripts to all enrolled users. Use policies to deploy the installation script for MacOS company installation. To do that, follow the steps below.

Creating a New Policy

  1. In the Policies tab click +New to create a new policy.

2. In the Options tab, select General(suggestion to insert a descriptive name in the Display name field e.g., Insightful - Workpuls installation).

3. Scroll down on the same page to find the Trigger.

4. Select the desired execution frequency, such as Once per computer.

5. In the Options tab, find the Scripts section.

6. Choose Configure

7. Select the Installation script that you created in the previous section of this article.

8. Navigate to the Scope tab

9. In the Target Computers section, choose All Computers or Specific Computers

10. In the Target Users section, choose All Users or Specific Users

11. If you selected Specific Computer/User, click Add button to add those specific targets to the list.

12. After completing these steps, click Save in the right bottom corner to save the policy.


To ensure all Insightful features function correctly on macOS, please make sure all the needed system permissions are granted. You can learn more about that in this article.

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