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Activity Logs

With Insightful's Activity Logs Admins get a play by play of all apps and websites used by their organizations

Tamara Filipovic Djordjevic avatar
Written by Tamara Filipovic Djordjevic
Updated over a month ago

Insightful Activity Logs offer Admins a detailed account of all applications and websites utilized by their organization, aiding in monitoring employee digital activities.

Activity Logs is a component of the Security Bundle Add-on.

With Activity Logs, Admins can track the usage duration, applications accessed, and websites visited by each employee, facilitating oversight and ensuring compliance with organizational policies.

This feature provides valuable insights into digital behaviors, allowing Admins to make informed decisions regarding productivity and resource allocation.

Insightful enhances user security by allowing account Admins to view all domains beyond the main site and configure settings to mark specific domains, like YouTube, as productive or unproductive. In the Activity log section itself you will see all apps and websites that are being used by your employees.

Viewing Activity Logs

All Insightful Admins can find and access Logs by clicking on Activities page from the Sidebar and then the Logs tab. When you open the Logs tab, the very first logged activity for the time period which is on the calendar will appear on the top, following each other logged activity downwards.

You can select the date or dates you wish to view activity logs on the calendar in the upper right corner on activity logs as well as on all other Insightful pages.

Information Activity Logs provide

There is a lot of data that can be reviewed on the Activity Logs page. By default, all columns are visible on the page, but you can edit which ones you wish to view and remove the others by clicking on the columns button in the upper right corner, below the calendar button.

Here is a quick overview of all the columns and types of information you can find on activity logs:

  • Date showing day log was created.

  • Time showing timestamp in which log was created, down to a second.

  • Duration shows how long was this logged activity lasting.

  • Employee column shows employee alias.

  • Category shows how Apps & Websites have been labeled by the organization.

  • Computer column is the device ID.

  • App column will show which app was in use.

  • Title will reveal app name or website name / web browser tab name.

  • Website contains website name in web format (example:

  • URL column contains exact and complete URL of that webpage (example:

In order for the entire url to be displayed, you can to go to Settings β†’ Privacy.

Filtering Activity Logs data

All logs can be filtered and searched through by clicking on every column name that has a little three bars or triangle icon next to it.

This way you can search or filter info by: Employee, Computer ID, search for a specific app you wish to see usage logs for, search with full title or a specific word that the title contains, as well with website name and URL.

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