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Insightful Onboarding Guide and Installation Instructions for Personal Computer Users
Insightful Onboarding Guide and Installation Instructions for Personal Computer Users

Learn how you, as an Employee user, can set up your account and install Insightful on the Personal computer you use for work

Marija Djurdjevic avatar
Written by Marija Djurdjevic
Updated over 2 months ago

You can install Insightful on your Personal computer by either:

  1. Following the steps in the invitation mail upon receiving it from your Admin,

  2. Manually allocating the installation file, downloading, and running it yourself.

To learn more about the difference between Personal and Company computers please review this article.

Installation by Invitation email

1. Receiving the Invitation email

As soon as you are invited to your Insightful organization by your Admin, you will receive a Welcome to Insightful email. You will then need to click on the Start using Insightful button in the email, which will lead you to the Set up password page.

You can review the following video to better understand the required steps in this process:

2. Set up the password

You will need to create and confirm your Insightful login password.

3. Download the Installation file

After successfully creating the password, you will see the download screen where you should choose the OS for which you are downloading the Insightful installation file.

4. Installing Insightful:


When you download the Workpuls.exe file to your device, to start the installation process double-click on it. This action must be done by the Admin user.


When you download the workpuls.dmg file to your device, drag it to the Application icon.

Due to the macOS extensive privacy control, you will see a popup after workpuls.dmg is installed. The system will prompt you to allow Insightful control over accessibility features. You should click on the Open System Preferences button and check Workpuls to allow permission.


You can find instructions for installing in our Linux Installation guide article in the Personal Computer section.

5. Log in

After successful installation, the Insightful widget will show up on your computer screen and its icon will be in apps or on the desktop.

When the Insightful widget is activated for the first time, you will need to use the invite email received from the Admin and the created password from Step 2 to Log in. On the next screen, you will choose the company and, depending on the Time Tracking settings, you will see one of the following tracking modes: Manual Clock-In or Project-based tracking scenario.

6. Clock In/Start Tracking Time on a Task

Depending on how Insightful is set to track productivity, you will have to either:

  • Clock In

  • Start a Task timer on the Projects and Tasks display widget.

If your Admin has an Insightful set for Manual Clock-In and Time Tracking on Projects, you will have two tabs on your widget and will have to Clock-In first before starting the Timer on a Task.

Manual Installation

Here are the steps for installing the Insightful app if you haven’t downloaded it via email invitation or you need to install it on another computer:

  1. Log in using the credentials from your invitation email.

  2. This will take you to your Employee page. Here, you can view your attendance, productivity, and a history of the apps and websites you've visited (if these permissions have been enabled by your Admin/Manager).

  3. To download the app, find the Download option on the sidebar menu on the left. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation and please check out installation tips for each different OS.

Accessing Your Dashboard

Once the app is installed and you are logged in with your invitation credentials, you can access your dashboard at any time in two different ways:

  1. Opening the Insightful widget - Locate the Insightful widget on your device and click the Open the dashboard button.

  2. Via Internet browser - Login on using your credentials from the invitation email.

Additional Notes


The specific data you can view (e.g., attendance, productivity, visited websites) depends on the permissions set by your Admin/Manager.

Multiple Devices

You can install the Insightful app on multiple devices and log in using the same credentials. Just make sure that you have logged out before logging in to another device to track your time.


If you have an Admin/Manager and employee account with the same email address, you won’t be able to see the Download button on your dashboard as it will redirect you to the dashboard with the highest permissions. In that case, you can use this link to download the Insightful app to your device.

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