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Setting up Manager user role

Understand the Manager role in Insightful app (its scopes and feature permissions) and how to add, set up or edit a Manager user role

Petar Jelaca avatar
Written by Petar Jelaca
Updated over a week ago

As managers normally focus on the segments of organizations they are in charge of, they have system privileges centered around smoothly operating those segments.

They therefore have access to fewer Insightful features and data than Administrators and it's the Admins that set up and customize the scope and permissions of Managers within the application.

Adding Manager users

Here are the steps for Admins to add a Manager role to their Insightful account:

  1. Select Settings โ†’ User Management from the Sidebar,

  2. Go to the Managers tab,

  3. Click on the Add New User button,

  4. Choose the option +Manager,

  5. A new manager window will appear, as seen in the video above,

  6. When a new window pops up, select the scope (or scopes) and feature permissions you wish to assign to this Manager's user role and click Save,

  7. The manager will receive an email from Insightful with further steps.

Managers will use their credentials to log in at

Managers, Admins and Clients do not need to have Insightful installed on their computers in order to log in and view data, and as such they do not add towards billable license count.

If you wish to "upgrade" a Manager to an Admin level, you will first need to remove them as a Manager user from the application and add them as Admin.


They help set which employees will the Manager be able to review when logged in with their credentials. To do so, Admins need to navigate to the Settings โ†’ User Management โ†’ Managers page, select three dots (at the far right, in the row of the needed manager) and hit Edit.

The scope can be one or more of the following:

  • Employees

  • Teams

  • Projects

Feature permissions

Admins also need to provide access to specific data Managers will be able to see with their log in and assign which features they'll be able to use and actions to perform.

For example:

If a Manager should be able to edit Projects and Tasks, besides checking the appropriate box for Project Management permission, the Projects relevant to the specific Manager should be added to their scope as well.

Manage Organization permission allows Managers to:

Manage Teams permission allows Managers to:

  • Create new teams,

  • Edit and delete teams under their scope,

Manage Employees permission allows Managers to:

  • Invite new employees,

  • Edit employees under their scope,

  • Deactivate employees under their scope,

  • Move employees between teams under their scope,

โ€‹To be able to edit/move Employees a Manager needs to have both the Manage Teams and Manage Employees permissions enabled.

A manager doesn't need to have specific Employees within their scope to be able to edit/move them, as long as the employees belong to the teams the manager has within their scope.

For example, a manager can move an employee from one team within their scope to another team within that same scope. If, however, the employee needs to be moved to a team within the scope of another manager - such action will need to be performed by the organization's Admin.

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